Institute for Social Research and Advisory Solutions

Every problem can be solved as long as they use common sense and apply the right research and techniques.

Would you like to speak to one of our researchers? Contact with us


Evaluations & Business baseline

We make a reliable and authentic project evaluation reports that can be reflected the achievements made against the project outcomes and impacts.

Business Consultant

We analyze organizational practices, identify weaknesses, and recommend solutions, also specialize in specific areas .

Evidence-based research

We are committed to publish all types of social research to thoroughly study about societal problems from various angles.

We present to our clients the information they need to make the right decision with the right time.

ISORAS provide advisory solutions including assessments, surveys, evaluations, capacity buildings, Document translations, policy and strategy formulations.

Business Consulting
Monitoring & Evaluation
IT Services

We are an experienced researchers who have considerable expertise in various specializations and qualified pool of advisories to bring unrivaled fact-findings to the public.

ISORAS is continuously focused on developing in high quality researches that can be utilized and implemented by decision makers to improve the wellbeing of its citizen.  

Our mission is TO FOSTER high-quality social researches



Research Papers



Successfully Completed







Our Expert Team

Kumar Doe

Certified Data Analyst

10+ years of experience

Yusuf Ali

Certified Human Resources

8+ years of experience

Maria Omar

certified Research Analyst

12+ years of experience

Aliya Said

Certified IT Consultant

6+ years of experience

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